project 12
- Acoustic properties of honey bee waggle dances
- Honey bee waggle dance calibration
- Building observation hives
- Testing observation hives
- Recording first sounds
- Deploying the microphone array
- Broad One Health Endectocide-based Malaria Intervention in Africa
- Bioindicators for a sustainable future: dancing honey bees communicate habitats’ ability to feed pollinators
- Red imported fire ants in Virginia
- Notes from the Field: Tracking the Red Imported Fire Ant across Virginia
- Organizing a reproducible scientific project
- Mapping animals using aerosols and eDNA
waggle dance 7
- Acoustic properties of honey bee waggle dances
- Honey bee waggle dance calibration
- Building observation hives
- Testing observation hives
- Recording first sounds
- Deploying the microphone array
- Bioindicators for a sustainable future: dancing honey bees communicate habitats’ ability to feed pollinators
asl 5
- Acoustic properties of honey bee waggle dances
- Building observation hives
- Testing observation hives
- Recording first sounds
- Deploying the microphone array
calibration 4
- Honey bee waggle dance calibration
- Building observation hives
- Testing observation hives
- Recording first sounds
research methods 3
- ALS 5204: Research and Information Systems in the Life Sciences
- ALS 5214: Information Systems and Research in the Life Sciences
- ENT 6004: Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments
teaching 3
- ALS 5204: Research and Information Systems in the Life Sciences
- ALS 5214: Information Systems and Research in the Life Sciences
- ENT 6004: Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments
distribution 2
ecology 2
fire ants 2
- Red imported fire ants in Virginia
- Notes from the Field: Tracking the Red Imported Fire Ant across Virginia